Monday, May 27, 2013

40 Week Fast From Wrong Thinking: Week 16

This week we're fasting from the thought that says, "I wish…." I wish I was rich. I wish I could lose weight. I wish I had someone to love, etc.  God has something better for us than wishing.

Let's Change It This Week:

1. Stop wishing & start asking. James 4:2 says, "we don't have because we don't ask." Dare to ask.

2. Treat wishing as a signal to go to God about what is missing in your life. (John 16:24)

3. You CAN get satisfaction! Wishing is a sign of a dissatisfied feeling in life. Ask God to SATISFY you according to Psalm 91:16 and Philippians 4:19.

4. Abide in the Word. (John 15:7) Believe you can ask for and receive anything He has promised, as you're abiding in God's Word.

5. You're better & bigger than wasting your time wishing. You know God. Instead of wishing, take the next action step toward your goal. (Daniel 11:32)

6. Understand the difference between wishing and believing. Wishing prepares you for defeat. Believing prepares you for victory.
(1 John 5:4)

Think It & Say It:

I don't have to live in wishful thinking—I dare to ask & expect to receive. God satisfies my life and supplies all my needs. I live in the promises of God's Word and His fulfillment lives in me. I take action toward His purpose and I expect victory today, in Jesus' Name.

In His Great Love,

Gregory Dickow

Yours in Success...

God bless..

Ms Ranjini "Jini" Charley
About Jini Charley

"Together with Jesus is better than separate and alone" - Sarah Bowling

“True prosperity is having EVERY thing that you need in EVERY area of your life to accomplish God’s purpose for your life” – Jini Charley

"THE BLESSING of the Lord makes one rich and He adds no sorrow with it" Prov 10:22

Connect with me on yahoo messenger: jinicharleybiz

Connect with me on skype: jinicharley2012

Follow me on twitter for daily inspiration: jinicharley

Join me in building a Prosperity mentality (100 Lessons on Prosperity) for the next few weeks!

Join me in discovering 58 Blessings found in the Holy Bible as discussed in Mike Murdock’s book “The Covenant of 58 Blessings”.

Join me in discovering 21 Ways God Supplies as taught on the Believer's Voice of Victory program on Trinity Broadcasting Network by Gloria Copeland & Pastor George Pearsons from Eagle Mountain International Church in Fort Worth, Texas as they discuss 10 DAYS OF DEBT FREEDOM (which I will be covering after 21 Ways God Supplies).

Monday, May 20, 2013

40 Week Fast From Wrong Thinking: Week 15

This week we are fasting from the thought that says, "I promise you God…" We've all made promises to God to live godly, to pray, to stop sinning, etc. This sounds holy. But it is NOT New Testament living and usually leads to disappointment.

Let's Change It This Week:

1. Christianity is not about the promises we make to God, but the promises He makes to us. (Galatians 3:29, 4:28)

2. It's His promises that make us holy, not our promises! 2 Peter 1:4 says, "…by His magnificent promises, you partake of His divine nature…"

3. Base your whole life on what God has promised. (Acts 1:4) This is a mindset. Don't do anything without a promise from God's Word about it.  They NEVER fail. Joshua 21:45 says, "…all came to pass."

4. There is a promise for that! There is a promise from God for every area of life. Find it & know that God says YES! (2 Corinthians 1:20)

5. Live by faith! We receive His promises by faith, not by something we can promise to do or achieve. (Romans 4:13)

Think It & Say It:

My life is not built upon the promises I make to God, but the promises He makes to me. All His promises are yes, and I adopt this mindset to build my whole life and decisions upon His promises. It is His promises that empower me to live holy, in this life, in Jesus' Name!

In His Great Love,

Gregory Dickow

Yours in Success...

God bless..

Ms Ranjini "Jini" Charley
About Jini Charley

"Together with Jesus is better than separate and alone" - Sarah Bowling

“True prosperity is having EVERY thing that you need in EVERY area of your life to accomplish God’s purpose for your life” – Jini Charley

"THE BLESSING of the Lord makes one rich and He adds no sorrow with it" Prov 10:22

Connect with me on yahoo messenger: jinicharleybiz

Connect with me on skype: jinicharley2012

Follow me on twitter for daily inspiration: jinicharley

Join me in building a Prosperity mentality (100 Lessons on Prosperity) for the next few weeks!

Join me in discovering 58 Blessings found in the Holy Bible as discussed in Mike Murdock’s book “The Covenant of 58 Blessings”.

Monday, May 13, 2013

40 Week Fast From Wrong Thinking: Week 14

This week we're fasting from the thought that says: "Things just aren't working out for me." This is a crippling mindset that leaves us hopeless.

Let's Change It This Week:

1. ALL THINGS work together for your good. (Romans 8:28) Even the things that don't seem to be working out are working for you, as you love God AND are called.

2. Know that you're called. You are called to conquer. (Romans 8:37-38) You're called to fulfill God's purpose.

3. Just give it a minute! 2 Corinthians 4:17 says, 'This light affliction, which is only FOR A MOMENT, is working for you a far greater outcome'. The thing that doesn't seem to be working out, is momentary. It's going to change.

4. Focus on what IS working, rather than on what's not working. God is working IN you. (Philippins 2:12)

5. Expect a better door to open. He makes a way where there is no way. (Isaiah 43:19) He opens the doors that no one can close. (Revelation 3:8)

Think It & Say It:

All things are working together for my good, because God loves me & I love Him. I am called to fulfill His purpose and I will. What seems to be against me, is temporary. It is changing. God is at work in me, and He is opening doors that no one can close, in Jesus' Name!

In His Great Love,

Gregory Dickow

Yours in Success...

God bless..

Ms Ranjini "Jini" Charley
About Jini Charley

"Together with Jesus is better than separate and alone" - Sarah Bowling

“True prosperity is having EVERY thing that you need in EVERY area of your life to accomplish God’s purpose for your life” – Jini Charley

"THE BLESSING of the Lord makes one rich and He adds no sorrow with it" Prov 10:22

Connect with me on yahoo messenger: jinicharleybiz

Connect with me on skype: jinicharley2012

Follow me on twitter for daily inspiration: jinicharley

Join me in building a Prosperity mentality (100 Lessons on Prosperity) for the next few weeks!

Join me in discovering 58 Blessings found in the Holy Bible as discussed in Mike Murdock’s book “The Covenant of 58 Blessings”.

Claim your FREE gift (FREE advertising FOR YOU) as a thank you for visiting my blog!

Monday, May 6, 2013

40 Week Fast From Wrong Thinking: Week 13

This week we're fasting from the thought that says, "I know God's favor is going to come, when I change." This is the kind of flawed thinking that distorts our view of God.

Let's Change It This Week:

1. Grace and favor were ALREADY EARNED for you. We define "grace" as God's unmerited, unearned love & favor. YOU can't earn it or change to get it. But Jesus earned it for you on the cross. (John 19:30)

2. Favor is a gift. It can't be earned or deserved. That's what makes it a favor. Romans 11:6 says, "And if by grace, then it is no longer by works; if it were, grace would no longer be grace."

3. You have free access to God's THRONE. (Hebrews 4:16) When you need a favor, go to God's throne and ask. The way is paved through Jesus. (Ephesians 3:12)

4. Favor surrounds the righteous. (Psalm 5:12) Righteousness is: right standing with God. It's a gift, in Christ. (Romans 5:17)

5. Favor changes you. You don't change to get it. When you get it, it changes you. (Titus 2:11-12, Romans 2:4) Grace (favor) enables you to change.

Think It & Say It:

God's favor has already been earned for me, through what Jesus did on the cross. I don't have to change in order to get it. I receive it as a gift, and it changes me! It frees me. It surrounds me. I walk in God's free favor today, in Jesus' Name!

In His Great Love,

Gregory Dickow

Yours in Success...

God bless..

Ms Ranjini "Jini" Charley
About Jini Charley

"Together with Jesus is better than separate and alone" - Sarah Bowling

“True prosperity is having EVERY thing that you need in EVERY area of your life to accomplish God’s purpose for your life” – Jini Charley

"THE BLESSING of the Lord makes one rich and He adds no sorrow with it" Prov 10:22

Connect with me on yahoo messenger: jinicharleybiz

Connect with me on skype: jinicharley2012

Follow me on twitter for daily inspiration: jinicharley

Join me in building a Prosperity mentality (100 Lessons on Prosperity) for the next few weeks!

Join me in discovering 58 Blessings found in the Holy Bible as discussed in Mike Murdock’s book “The Covenant of 58 Blessings”.

Claim your FREE gift (FREE advertising FOR YOU) as a thank you for visiting my blog!