Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Addicted to Life

One of the many blessings God has given me in my life is the ability to run my own business from home. I enjoy being able to schedule my daily tasks around the things that are most important in my life.

But having the responsibility of making my own schedule, combined with a workload that never stops, combined with the fact that I absolutely LOVE my job means that I could literally work around the clock if I chose to. However, on the rare occasions I have afforded myself the luxury of taking a break, I sometimes find myself feeling guilty for doing nothing.

We live in a fast paced society. Everyone around us is zooming at breakneck speed most of the time and idle time for some of us is rare. After living a life of running to work, then to the grocery store, then to drop the kids off at soccer practice, then to band practice, then home to cook dinner, then to night school, day after day after day it's very easy to become "addicted to life".

Being Addicted to Life is working yourself into a state where you don't feel comfortable relaxing. Doing nothing feels wrong and unnatural. And in my case, guilt can begin to creep in if I don't guard myself against it.

Being busy non-stop physically and mentally on an ongoing basis is not only detrimental to our physical and mental wellbeing; it causes our spirits to become numb where hearing from God is concerned. And let's face it, if we aren't in a position to hear from God, how successful can we expect to be in the things we're attempting to do on our own?

I want to encourage you to take the time out to rest. Not only physically, but mentally and most importantly, spiritually. Take time out on purpose to listen to what the still small voice on the inside of you is telling you. Are you overlooking warning signs that your kids are in trouble and may need your support? Are you neglecting things as a wife or a husband that are beginning to cause your marriage to go down the tubes? Are you ignoring warning signs that your body is beginning to break down under the stress and pressure you're placing it under?

Take time to see, notice, embrace and be purposely aware of the beauty around you. If you're physically in an environment that you wouldn't classify as peaceful, close your eyes and mentally go to your peaceful place. 5, 10, or 15 minutes of calm relaxation may make all the difference in the world where your outlook on life is concerned.

You cannot be all you can be, nor can you be as productive as you could be without God as the center piece of your life. Ask Him to help you do what needs to be done in your life. Ask Him to lead and guide you and strengthen you to be all you need to be for those who depend on you.

Once you allow God's Holy Spirit to be your leader, your guide and your power source, you will be amazed at how much you can accomplish in His strength as opposed to your own strength.

The goal of FaithsMessenger.Com is to share biblical principles and analogies in a clear, concise, and understandable way that can be applied to life by the average Christian. In sharing our short stories and analogies we hope that you will be able to make a real life connection between everyday life situations and the application of God's Word. For more inspiring articles, go to

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Yours in Success...

God bless..

Ms Ranjini "Jini" Charley
SUCCESS in 2012 and beyond = FREE Income Generating Programs + FREE Training
(Be sure to sign up for this training and stay informed on Income Generating Programs. Updated Frequently)

"Together with Jesus is better than separate and alone" - Sarah Bowling

Ps. Feel free to pass the link to this post on to whomever you like!

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Faith Is Stubbornly Standing on God's Word

Faith is taking a stance on something without wavering... forever. Faith is unyielding. Faith is unstoppable. Faith is unrelenting. Faith moves mountains. Faith conquers. Faith overcomes all obstacles. Faith digs it's heals in and will not be moved. Faith is like concrete, the longer it stands the stronger it gets. Faith makes no sense.

I heard a quote which says, "Insanity is doing the same thing over and over expecting different results". I absolutely disagree with that statement. In my opinion insanity is doing the same thing over and over then quitting before you see results.

I remember as a child being told by my mom that I couldn't leave the table until I had eaten all of my vegetables.  OK, let's face it folks, there are some things in God's creation that just weren't meant to be eaten. For me, carrots were my arch enemy as a child. And when issued the "challenge" of remaining at the dinner table until my carrots were eaten, I was prepared to sit at that table until Jesus returned. As that lonely child seated at the dinner table, I made the decision that my vegetables were not going to be eaten and that was that. Nothing could be said, or done to move me once my decision had been made.

Faith is stubborn.  Faith in God's Word combined with the human will are an unbeatable combination. Just think about all the amazing things man has done. All the inventions, positive causes, and achievements man has succeeded in. I'm amazed when I hear stories like that of Walt Disney, who was told that his idea of building an amusement park in Orange County CA. would never come to pass. But all it takes is one man with an unstoppable vision to build a legacy that will last forever.

Did you know that Walt Disney was turned down over 60 times for a bank loan to fund Disneyland? Earlier in his life he was fired from a newspaper because he "lacked imagination and had no good ideas". What if Mr. Disney was easily moved by opposition? What if he allowed what others said about him and his ideas to diminish his vision?

Great men have done great things based on the human will alone. Now just imagine what you can do with God's Word guiding you, and the Holy Spirit within you! We have within us world overcoming faith (1 John 5:4). All we have to do is apply that faith as a stubborn child who refuses to eat his vegetables.

What vision has God placed within you? What is it in life that you have a burning desire to accomplish? No matter how daunting the vision, God placed it in you for a reason. I encourage you, not to leave this earth with your dream unborn. Step out in faith and refuse to be denied. Fight the good fight of faith and develop a testimony for future generations of what God can do in the lives of those who take a stand and refuse to give up.

The goal of FaithsMessenger.Com is to share biblical principles and analogies in a clear, concise, and understandable way that can be applied to life by the average Christian. In sharing our short stories and analogies we hope that you will be able to make a real life connection between everyday life situations and the application of God's Word. For more inspiring articles, go to

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Yours in Success...

God bless..

Ms Ranjini "Jini" Charley
SUCCESS in 2012 and beyond = FREE Income Generating Programs + FREE Training
(Be sure to sign up for this training and stay informed on Income Generating Programs. Updated Frequently)

"Together with Jesus is better than separate and alone" - Sarah Bowling

Ps. Feel free to pass the link to this post on to whomever you like!

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Running Races With Endurance and Determination

Having a mindset of running races with endurance and determination to finish is a training plan for victory for the Christian.

Hebrews 12:1 - Therefore, having so vast a cloud of witnesses surrounding us, and throwing off everything that hinders us and especially the sin that so easy entangles us, let us keep running with endurance the race set before us fixing our attention on Jesus, the pioneer and perfector of the faith... NIV

In 2008 the New England Patriots won every game on their schedule. Heading into the post season, they won every one of their playoff games. And in the 2008 Championship game, they beat the San Diego Chargers to become the AFC Champions. At this point, New England had an unblemished record and was on the verge of becoming only the second team in history to have a perfect season. Only one game and one team stood between them and rewriting the history books.

As it turned out, the whole world watched the prospects of a perfect season go out the window as the Patriots lost Super Bowl XLII to the New York Giants by the score of 17-14. That evening as the Patriots walked off the field after suffering defeat, all remembrance of their winning season drifted into obscurity.

So many times we set off on a quest for answered prayer, or to see resolution in our lives in one way or another but we don't reach our goals. Starting out on the journey is the easy part. Having the determination and endurance to continue to the end is the difficult part. Particularly when we can't see the finish line.

I have started out on many journeys in my life and looking back on some of them now, I thank God I couldn't see the finish line. If I had known how long my race was going take, I probably would never have started out on it. And if I had never started, I would never have grown in my walk with God and in my confidence in the fact that I can rely on His Word.

Victory in life is reserved for those who have a mindset of running races until the end. Starting out in a blaze of Glory is great, but if you don't have enough spiritual fortitude to run your race until victory is obtained, what good did it do to start out with great fanfare?

Whether you're dealing with prayer, healing, the salvation of a loved one, the developing of a relationship... in whatever journey you're about to embark upon, set your face forward and refuse to give up. Eliminate quitting as an option. Turn your prayer dial to the on position and then break it off. Make up in your mind that you're not going to be defeated and you will never quit.

When you become fatigued in your race (and you most certainly will), keep in mind that the Joy of the Lord is your strength. God, through His Holy Spirit will be with you and is in you to give you the endurance you need to keep running your race until you see victory in every area of your life... IF... you don't give up, cave in and quit!

And by the way, regarding the New England Patriots 2008 season, very few people (other than diehard football fans) remember their near perfect season. They only lost one game, but still no one remembers. Why? Because the idea of running races until the end wasn't the mindset they had on that Sunday afternoon in 2008. They tripped right at the finish line.

But if you ask the average fan what team was able to hang on until the end... the only team in NFL history to ever record a perfect season, most not only know the team, but they remember the players, the stats, and they remember the day they saw history being made. Make history in your life. Stay strong in the Lord and make up your mind that running races that are set before you with determination and endurance is how you're going to live out your life for Christ.

The goal of FaithsMessenger.Com is to share biblical principles and analogies in a clear, concise, and understandable way that can be applied to life by the average Christian. In sharing our short stories and analogies we hope that you will be able to make a real life connection between everyday life situations and the application of God's Word. For more inspiring articles, go to

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Yours in Success...

God bless..

Ms Ranjini "Jini" Charley
SUCCESS in 2012 and beyond = FREE Income Generating Programs + FREE Training
(Be sure to sign up for this training and stay informed on Income Generating Programs. Updated Frequently)

"Together with Jesus is better than separate and alone" - Sarah Bowling

Ps. Feel free to pass the link to this post on to whomever you like!

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Fighting the Good Fight of Faith - The Practical Side

There are several components involved in Fighting the Good Fight of Faith. In the natural, a wise fighter knows his opponents strengths and weaknesses. He has a plan of attack and he has positive people in his corner to support him during his fight. All of the above are vital components in obtaining victory in a fight.

For Christians, one component that's often overlooked in fighting the good fight of faith is taking proper care if the Temple of God, our bodies. Our bodies are the housing of our spirits while we are here on earth. The better we care for the vessel that carries our spirits, the more capable we'll be in fighting the good fight of faith.

As a boxer, what good does it do to take the time to learn your opponent's strengths, to formulate a plan and to have positive people in your corner, if you're too weak and malnourished physically to get up off the stool to fight when the bell rings?

Spiritual things + Physical thing = a Victorious Faith Fight...

Proper rest, nutrition and exercise are vital in our quest for victory in fighting the good fight of faith. Our bodies are so wonderfully made that they can take a lot of abuse and still perform pretty well for us. So well in fact that sometimes we aren't even aware that we may be abusing them.

I remember after college and on into my adult life going on only 3-4 hours of sleep daily. I was proud of the fact that I could get so much done because my body didn't require very much sleep. Looking back on it now, I can see how foolish that way of thinking was. Rest is a natural part of life and surviving on 3-4 hours of sleep day after day, year after year was abuse of the precious body that God gave me. If I was proud of what I could get done on only 3-4 hours of sleep, imagine how productive I could have been on 8-9 hours' sleep per day!

Likewise, nutrition is of utmost importance. Our bodies are only going to perform to the level and quality of the fuel we put in them. So what kinds of fuels are you putting into your body? Do you know how many calories you require per day and do you know how many you are taking in? Is your body sufficiently burning the calories you're taking in?

If we close our eyes, most of us couldn't imagine Jesus smoking a cigarette; therefore most of us refrain from that practice. If we close our eyes, most of us couldn't imagine Jesus leaving the bar with a designated driver because He had a few too many, so likewise we control ourselves in that area. If we close our eyes, most of us couldn't imagine Jesus stuffing His face day after day to the point where he was overweight and battling high blood pressure, but somehow we don't have a problem indulging ourselves in this area.

And lastly, exercise cannot be overlooked. The medical industry has told us for years how beneficial daily exercise can be not only physically, but mentally and emotionally. I understand that time and convenience is a major factor in prohibiting us from getting proper sleep, good nutrition, and exercise but I want to encourage you to reexamine your daily routine and see if you can improve on these neglected areas.

You will find that with a spirit full of knowledge and understanding from Gods Word, traveling in a body that's in great shape, well rested and fully fueled, fighting the good fight of faith will bring certain victory!

The goal of FaithsMessenger.Com is to share biblical principles and analogies in a clear, concise, and understandable way that can be applied to life by the average Christian. In sharing our short stories and analogies we hope that you will be able to make a real life connection between everyday life situations and the application of God's Word. For more inspiring articles, go to

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Yours in Success...

God bless..

Ms Ranjini "Jini" Charley
SUCCESS in 2012 and beyond = FREE Income Generating Programs + FREE Training
(Be sure to sign up for this training and stay informed on Income Generating Programs. Updated Frequently)

"Together with Jesus is better than separate and alone" - Sarah Bowling

Ps. Feel free to pass the link to this post on to whomever you like!

Saturday, August 25, 2012

God's See's Failure As Nothing More Than an Illusion

From the beginning of time, God knew that you would be here right now reading this message. Isn't that amazing? Every since you entered this world, God has been molding and crafting you for His purposes. Every experience you've had... both positive and negative has made you who you are today. So with those thoughts in mind, what does it mean to fail? If God, who is ever present with us, is the one allowing situations and circumstances to happen in our lives, what is your definition of the word "failure"? Do you see yourself as a failure simply because your life hasn't evolved into what you thought it should be?

Think for a moment about the things in your past that you thought you really wanted. It could be a particular car, a certain house, a special job, or even a wife or husband. Before God allowed that particular person, place or thing into your life you probably thought to yourself, "If I could only get a car like that, if I could purchase that home, if I had that job, or if she/he would marry me, I would be the happiest person on earth". And then, God grants you your desire of "the thing" that you thought would make you happy, only to find out that "the thing" made you miserable and in the end, you got rid of "the thing" (or are desperately attempting to get rid of "the thing").

So what happened? You pursued the thing you thought would bring happiness, only to find that "the thing" brought nothing but misery. You didn't (nor did you have the ability to) see the big picture; therefore you could not place a value on how much happiness (if any) the thing you were in pursuit of could bring. There were too many variables that you had no way of knowing about.

Failure can be looked at in the same light. We have no way of seeing the big picture in what we have termed failure. Most times when we use the word failure, what we really mean is that things didn't turn out the way we thought they would. But is that a bad thing? ABSOLUTELY NOT!

Our lives are a progressive revelation. Even though we think we're in control, we have no idea what our lives will be like from moment to moment. We all know of people who are in one place one moment, and then life picked them up and placed them in a whole new realm of existence in the blink of an eye. Failure is not failure because the plans that you orchestrated (or thought you were orchestrating) didn't happen the way you planned them to. True failure is not being flexible enough to bounce back when the stream of life takes you in an unexpected direction.

Always remember that God is in control and even thought you have no idea why you ended up where you are now, surrounded by the people whom God chose to surround you with, there is a purpose in it either for you or for those whose lives you have the privilege of impacting. Be encouraged and look forward to the day when you can sit down with your Heavenly Father and He can show you what He had in mind when He took you down the path that you're on now.

When you look around you not having a clue as to why you're in the place you're at right now, take the illusion of failure and bless those around you knowing that you're here for a reason. Good things can sometimes come in deceptive packages. Be careful not to toss out a blessing that may be right under your nose.

The goal of FaithsMessenger.Com is to share biblical principles and analogies in a clear, concise, and understandable way that can be applied to life by the average Christian. In sharing our short stories and analogies we hope that you will be able to make a real life connection between everyday life situations and the application of God's Word. For more inspiring articles, go to

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Yours in Success...

God bless..

Ms Ranjini "Jini" Charley
SUCCESS in 2012 and beyond = FREE Income Generating Programs + FREE Training
(Be sure to sign up for this training and stay informed on Income Generating Programs. Updated Frequently)

"Together with Jesus is better than separate and alone" - Sarah Bowling

Ps. Feel free to pass the link to this post on to whomever you like!

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Faith Muscle Memory

Why do you go to church? If you had to stop and give an answer to that question what would your answer be? Could it be because of:

a) the fellowship

b) the worship

c) because we are commanded to gather together with other believers

d) the message

e) to be an example to your household

f) to minister to the needs of others

In my opinion, all of the above answers would be correct. However there is one reason that stands out more than all of the above. And that answer is:

g) the training.

Knowing how to skillfully handle the Word of God in threatening and/or life changing situations is paramount to living successfully as a Christian. It's also fundamental in being a blessing to those around us. We have an enemy that seeks to kill, to steal and to destroy (John 10-10). How we handle the attacks of our enemy will depend on the training we receive from our local churches. When we are being attacked on all sides, do we react to his onslaught or do we respond with what we've been taught? Knowing how to respond to our enemies attack can mean the difference between stomping out a fire before it gets started and losing everything God has blessed us with. No one can identify with that analogy more than firefighters.

Firemen train constantly so when called to act in an emergency situation, they can respond almost on autopilot. Sometimes the moment it takes to think about how to react to a situation will cause the fire to gain momentum and grow out of control. In an emergency situation, firemen need to know exactly how to respond. The proper kind of response in an emergency situation only comes from training and preparation.

For us Christians, it's easy to have faith when the kids are safe and the bills are paid. It's easy to love others when we're surrounded by lovable people. The true test of our level of spiritual growth and development is how we respond when the kids are in distress, when the bills aren't paid and when everyone around you is seeking to drag you down. God's Word wasn't given to us to use in ideal conditions. It was given to us to use when life is difficult. A ship doesn't need to drop anchor when the sea is calm. One who is searching doesn't need a flashlight in the daylight. And a healthy man doesn't seek a physician.

Our primary reason for going to church should be to grab nuggets of truth. Nuggets of truth that we can bring home and talk about with our family members. Nuggets of truth that we can use to satisfy our spiritual hunger. Nuggets of truth that we can study to the point they become an intricate part of our internal response systems. And once the truth of God's Word gets down into our spirits we can act upon it in emergency situations and stamp out the fires in our lives before they become blazing infernos.

The goal of FaithsMessenger.Com is to share biblical principles and analogies in a clear, concise, and understandable way that can be applied to life by the average Christian. In sharing our short stories and analogies we hope that you will be able to make a real life connection between everyday life situations and the application of God's Word. For more inspiring articles, go to

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Yours in Success...

God bless..

Ms Ranjini "Jini" Charley
SUCCESS in 2012 and beyond = FREE Income Generating Programs + FREE Training
(Be sure to sign up for this training and stay informed on Income Generating Programs. Updated Frequently)

"Together with Jesus is better than separate and alone" - Sarah Bowling

Ps. Feel free to pass the link to this post on to whomever you like!

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Proverbs 4:23 - Keep Your Heart With All Diligence

As humans, our hearts are constantly growing things. Our hearts are supposed to be the garden from which the seed of God's Word can be planted and grown. The cultivation of God's Word planted in the believer's heart ultimately produces life and peace. You can view the human heart, or spirit as rich soil that will grow any seed that is placed in it. Seeds are planted into the human spirit by what we give our attention to.

The world we live in is constantly competing for our senses. Our eyes and our ears are bombarded with information all the time. Some of that information is good, and some of it is bad. The whole purpose is for the seed, whether positive or negative, to enter into our hearts. Our responsibility is to guard our hearts from that which is bad, because once that which is bad gets past our senses and down into our spirits, the seed will produce a harvest whether we want it to or not.

Have you ever wondered why during the course of a 60 minute TV program they show the same ad 5 or 6 times? Or why catchy jingles are so irritating?

Sing along with me... I have a Structured Settlement but I Need Cash Now!

I bet almost everyone in the US who reads this message knows who to call if they have a structured settlement. Why is that? Is it solely because of cleaver marketing? Not completely. That jungle and message has gotten past your senses and into your spirit. It's become a part of you, so if you ever do have a structured settlement and you need cash, guess who you're going to call?

God's Word is incorruptible seed. It's seed that will produce after its own kind. If you're meditating on scriptures that have to do with healing, then those are the seeds that will germinate and produce in your life. If you're meditating on scriptures that have to do with peace, then the result will be a harvest of peace in your life. If you're meditating on scriptures that have to do with love, then love will manifest in your life.

If a farmer wants a good harvest, he must first prepare the soil. It's unreasonable for the farmer to expect a decent harvest if he neglects the soil. The condition of the farmer's soil is the foundation for producing good crops. So where do you want your life to go? What issues would you like to change in your life? You may first want to ask yourself what condition your soil is in. Begin to prepare your heart, and then sow the seed of God's Word knowing that life... true life that can only come from God, will spring forth...

Proverbs 4:20 - My son, attend to my words; Incline thine ear unto my sayings. Let them not depart from thine eyes; keep them in the midst of thine heart. For they are life unto those that find them and health to all their flesh.

The goal of FaithsMessenger.Com is to share biblical principles and analogies in a clear, concise, and understandable way that can be applied to life by the average Christian. In sharing our short stories and analogies we hope that you will be able to make a real life connection between everyday life situations and the application of God's Word. For more inspiring articles, go to

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Yours in Success...

God bless..

Ms Ranjini "Jini" Charley
SUCCESS in 2012 and beyond = FREE Income Generating Programs + FREE Training
(Be sure to sign up for this training and stay informed on Income Generating Programs. Updated Frequently)

"Together with Jesus is better than separate and alone" - Sarah Bowling

Ps. Feel free to pass the link to this post on to whomever you like!

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Romans 12:2 - Be Not Conformed to This World - But Be Ye Transformed by the Renewing of Your Mind

I've been away from this blog for a while rebuilding my FREE Training business.

Now that I'm back I'll be trying to post at least once per week.

This post will be an article from

Romans 12:2
And be not conformed to this world; but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable and perfect will of God (KJV). For the Christian, opportunities to conform to the way the world does things are all around us. It's human nature to want to belong. It's natural to want to be included as opposed to excluded.
Everyone wants to be a part of the cool in crowd, but think about this for a moment. What is cool? Who sets the "cool" standard? When you close your eyes and imagine what a Christian looks like, do you see a "cool" person? If your answer is no, could the reason be that we as Christians don't think very highly of ourselves? In Romans 12:3, Paul says, "For I say, by the grace given unto me, to every man that is among you, not to think of himself more highly than he ought to think, but to think soberly, according as God hath dealt to every man the measure of faith." Did you get that? Don't think more highly of yourself than you ought to think. We are to think highly of ourselves. The problem comes when we begin to think more highly of ourselves than we ought to think. So if we think highly of ourselves, it should show.

As a Deputy Sheriff, I thought highly of myself and I thought highly of the organization I was a part of. The result of my thinking was a high level of performance on the job. I was brought up to think that Law Enforcement was a noble profession; therefore I enjoyed serving my community. I didn't think I was more or better than anyone I served. However, I was proud to be a part of the Law Enforcement community. As a cop, I had no desire to participate in criminal activities. I remember going into some of the worst areas of my city and while there, I felt no pressure to conform to the negative surroundings I found myself in, nor was I ashamed of who I was and the job I was there to perform.

So as Christians living in, working in, and playing in non-Christian environments, shouldn't we see ourselves as the cool kids on the block? Or are we ashamed to be associated with the label "Christian" because of what others think of our group? I think it's time we applied a bit of reverse peer pressure. It seems to me like they should want to be like us... the in crowd. When they see us with the strength to forgive when we are wronged. When they see us giving our employers an honest day's work. When they see us loving one another with the love of the Lord. And when they see us walking consistently in the Fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22-23) God's influence through us will be undeniable. And to top it all off, days, months and years after they witness Christ in us, they will have the Holy Spirit speaking to their hearts, reminding them of what real life in Christ is like.

Let's change the standard and show the world who the real cool kids are. Walk in love. Walk by faith. Show the Fruit of the Spirit everywhere you go and watch the contagious, undeniable effect of the Spirit of God take over your home, your town, your State and eventually, the World.

The goal of FaithsMessenger.Com is to share biblical principles and analogies in a clear, concise, and understandable way that can be applied to life by the average Christian. In sharing our short stories and analogies we hope that you will be able to make a real life connection between everyday life situations and the application of God's Word. For more inspiring articles, go to

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Yours in Success...

God bless..

Ms Ranjini "Jini" Charley
SUCCESS in 2012 and beyond = FREE Income Generating Programs + FREE Training
(Be sure to sign up for this training and stay informed on Income Generating Programs. Updated Frequently)

"Together with Jesus is better than separate and alone" - Sarah Bowling

Ps. Feel free to pass the link to this post on to whomever you like!