Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Christmas Greetings..My apologies

Hey everyone,

Praise the Lord. God is good. He is a great God and worthy of praise and glory and honor.

I want to take this opportunity to apologize for not having updated this blog for a while. As we all know, life gets in the way of our goals and passions at times. This has been one of those times. I am working on some material for this blog for the upcoming year 2010. So coming January 2010 I'll have new posts on this blog at the very least weekly. (Ideally I'd like to post daily or at least 2 to 3 times a week, but I'll try to post at least once a week, as time permits.)

So until the new year, which I pray will be filled with health, blessings, favor, God's glory shining on your life, your dreams coming to past, etc, I extend a very Merry Christmas season to one and all.

God bless...

Lady J (aka LJ)/Miss J (aka MJ)
"For With God Nothing Is Impossible" Luke 1:37
Million Dollar Experiment 2010 (blog)
Story Writer In Bz (blog)
Christians In Business (blog)
MJ Enterprises Bz (Blog)

Follow me on twitter:

IM me on Yahoo Messenger: mde.realonlineincome

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

$5 promotion for the rest of 2009

Hey everyone,

Imagine, if you will, that someone was promoting your business(es) for you at least once a week, every week, on at least 4 different sites.

Sounds great doesn't it. How much would you pay for a service like that? $100? $200? $300?

Well, from now until December 31, 2009 (midnight Eastern Standard Time), you can have ME promoting YOUR business(es) at least once a week, every week.

That's at least 5 months of ME promoting YOUR business(es) on at least 4 different sites, every week.

Again I ask, how much would you pay for such a service? $400? $500?

Well, for the insanely low price of $5 (yes you read that right - a one-time payment of US$5), that's exactly what I'll be doing for you.


If you'd prefer to be doing the promoting yourself on MY sites, then it's ONLY $10.

So for $5 you can have me doing the promoting for you, or for $10 you can do the promoting yourself. Your choice.

For the $5 offer, please press the button below:

For the $10 offer, please press the button below:

God bless...

Lady J (aka LJ)/Miss J (aka MJ)
"For With God Nothing Is Impossible" Luke 1:37
Million Dollar Experiment 2009 (blog)
Story Writer In Bz (blog)
Christians In Business (blog)
MJ Enterprises Bz (Blog)

Follow me on twitter:

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Special Promotion for the Month of July

Hi everyone,

For the entire month of July (1st to 31st) my business The Million Dollar Experiment, a blog where I document my journey to making $1,000,000 online, is being featured on the MegaMillion Social Network for Millionaires.

Once again I'd like to thank Laura Reeves (creator and owner of MegaMillion) for featuring my business this month.

As a special promotion, I'm offering anyone the opportunity to promote their business(es) on my Million Dollar Experiment (MDE) blog, for the rest of this year. That's right I said the rest of this year.

For a one time payment of US$60 via paypal, or monthly payments of US$10 for 6 months ($1 for the 1st week), you can have your business(es) promoted on my MDE blog as well as 3 other blogs I own.

For a measly US$60 one time payment or monthly payments of US$10 for 6 months via paypal, you can promote your business(es) on all 4 of my blogs for the rest of 2009. That's 6 months of me posting about your business(es) to my 4 blogs.

Once I've received the one time payment of US$60 or your US$1 for the 1st week via paypal I'll email you to have you email me the information you'd like me to post on my blogs about your business(es). For our mutual benefit, I suggest you write what you'd like me to write about your business(es) as if you were the one posting this info to my blogs. If I need to I'll edit it to fit the guidelines.

This is a special promotion that I'm running ONLY for the month of July, while my business (the MDE blog) is being featured on MegaMillion.

So hurry and take me up on this insane offer before the month ends.


The offer is still valid with a few minor changes. Instead of paying $60 or the trial $1 then a monthly fee, I've decided to lower the price to a ridiculous one time payment of $5.

For the rest of 2009, you can have me promoting your business(es) on all 4 of my blogs for one payment of $5. This offer is only valid until Thursday, December 31, 2009.

God bless...

Lady J (aka LJ)/Miss J (aka MJ)

"For With God Nothing Is Impossible" Luke 1:37


Million Dollar Experiment 2009 (blog)

Story Writer In Bz (blog)

Christians In Business (blog)

MJ Enterprises Bz (Blog)

Follow me on twitter:



Saturday, June 20, 2009

$100 a day FREE book to make money online

Hi everyone,

Just dropping by today to give you a FREE book to help you on your way to making money online.

Millionaires are being made online every week. However, it's not likely you'll ever make $1 million until you learn to make 5 figures or more every single month!

Get started today FREE by learning how to make $100 a day. With these tactics you'll soon discover what it takes to go to the next level. After this short read you'll be able to start putting this knowledge to action and start earning $100 a day or more!

So click here to get this FREE book now and start making money online.

God bless...

Lady J (aka LJ)/Miss J (aka MJ)
"For With God Nothing Is Impossible" Luke 1:37
Million Dollar Experiment 2009 (blog)
Story Writer In Bz (blog)
Christians In Business (blog)
MJ Enterprises Bz (Blog)

Follow me on twitter:

Thursday, May 21, 2009

God's Coffee

Hi everyone,

I apologize for not posting as often as I'd like but I've been superbusy (my online efforts being only a part of what takes up my weekdays and weekends - I have a full-time job during the week and spend my weekends researching material for these posts.) I thank you faithful followers for your kindness and understanding. In appreciation please feel free to fill in the form to the right of this post for your free Cash In A Flash audio.

Now on to the topic for today: God's Coffee

I know what you're thinking "What the heck are you talking about MJ?" I'm glad you asked. As you know I am an avid participant in online forums, communities, groups, etc. Today while browsing through one such community I came across a forum post entitled "God's Coffee" and thought I'd share it here with you. So here goes (hope you like):

God's Coffee

A group of alumni, highly established in their careers, got together to visit their old university professor. Conversation soon turned into complaints about stress in work and life.

Offering his guests coffee, the professor went to the kitchen and returned with a large pot of coffee and an assortment of cups - porcelain, plastic, glass, crystal, some plain looking, some expensive, some exquisite - telling them to help themselves to the coffee.

When all the students had a cup of coffee in hand, the professor said:

"If you noticed, all the nice looking expensive cups were taken up, leaving behind the plain and cheap ones. While it is normal for you to want only the best for yourselves, that is the source of your problems and stress.

Be assured that the cup itself adds no quality to the coffee. In most cases it is just more expensive and in some cases even hides what we drink.

What all of you really wanted was coffee, not the cup, but you consciously went for the best cups... And then you began eyeing each other's cups.

Now consider this: Life is the coffee; the jobs, money and position in society are the cups. They are just tools to hold and contain Life, and the type of cup we have does not define, nor change the quality of Life we live.

Sometimes, by concentrating only on the cup, we fail to enjoy the coffee God has provided us."

God brews the coffee, not the cups.......... Enjoy your coffee!

"The happiest people don't have the best of everything. They just make the best of everything."

As I read this I couldn't help but agree with the professor, wise as he is. We need to realize that all life is is a way for us to give honor and glory to the One Who truly matters: God the Father, through Jesus Christ the Son. When we remember that in Him we live and breathe and have our very being, then we are truly living.

God bless..


Monday, April 27, 2009

I'm a Conqueror, an Overcomer

Hello everyone,

I have been facing some health issues lately. To combat these issues, I've been standing on the Word of God. One promise that I've been standing on is from Romans 8:37 which says:

No, despite all these things, overwhelming victory is ours through Christ, who loved us. (New Living Translation (NLT))

Of course this isn't specific to one's health, but it's a promise that gives hope, overwhelming hope for whatever one faces in life.

Another such promise that stands out is John 16:33 which says:

(Jesus Speaking:) I have told you all this so that you may have peace in me. Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows. But take heart, because I have overcome the world.” (New Living Translation (NLT))

I absolutely love the way The Message Translation puts these 2 promises:

Romans 8:37

31-39So, what do you think? With God on our side like this, how can we lose? If God didn't hesitate to put everything on the line for us, embracing our condition and exposing himself to the worst by sending his own Son, is there anything else he wouldn't gladly and freely do for us? And who would dare tangle with God by messing with one of God's chosen? Who would dare even to point a finger? The One who died for us—who was raised to life for us!—is in the presence of God at this very moment sticking up for us. Do you think anyone is going to be able to drive a wedge between us and Christ's love for us? There is no way! Not trouble, not hard times, not hatred, not hunger, not homelessness, not bullying threats, not backstabbing, not even the worst sins listed in Scripture:
They kill us in cold blood because they hate you.
We're sitting ducks; they pick us off one by one.None of this fazes us because Jesus loves us. I'm absolutely convinced that nothing—nothing living or dead, angelic or demonic, today or tomorrow, high or low, thinkable or unthinkable—absolutely nothing can get between us and God's love because of the way that Jesus our Master has embraced us.

John 16:33

31-33Jesus answered them, "Do you finally believe? In fact, you're about to make a run for it—saving your own skins and abandoning me. But I'm not abandoned. The Father is with me. I've told you all this so that trusting me, you will be unshakable and assured, deeply at peace. In this godless world you will continue to experience difficulties. But take heart! I've conquered the world."

I know that The Message is a paraphrase, but it is so strong a paraphrase, so powerful a paraphrase, so beautiful a paraphrase that in my humble opinion this translation of the Word of God can only have come by inspiration of The Master Himself: God the Father.

So I've chosen to stand on these 2 promises. I've chosen to be a conqueror, an overcomer. I may be physically ill, but by His stripes I'm healed. Because of God's overwhelming love for me I can clothe myself in Jesus Christ, stand before my Heavenly Father, and expect Him to heal my body and cause me to be a conqueror and an overcomer of the Evil One in this life.

God bless...


Saturday, April 25, 2009

God's a Daddy, but He's NOT a Sugar Daddy

Hello everyone,

As I sit here writing this, I'm listening to/watching Joel Osteen's Historic Night of Hope at the New Yankee Stadium. As I'm listening to him, watching him, I'm reminded of his critics. Those who don't understand Joel or his ministry claim that Joel (and other preachers that those critics refer to as Prosperity Preachers, such as Creflo Dollar, Kenneth Copeland, Jesse Duplantis, and the list goes on and on and on) uses God as a Sugar Daddy and the Bible as a magic book that you use just to get what you want out of it and get what you want from God.

It crossed my mind that while God is NOT a Sugar Daddy, He is in fact a Daddy. Now I'm not just saying this from off the top of my head. The following article gives Scriptural (Biblical) evidence of God's Fatherhood. It is a wonderful article of the overview of God as Father:

I chose to address this issue today because it hurts me when Joel's critics and the critics of the "Prosperity Preachers" talk against these wonderful men and women of God. What these critics don't seem to get is that the Bible is not a book of rules and regulations but in essence, it is a love letter, from Father God to His beloved children that He so longs to be back in relationship with Him through Jesus Christ.

I do believe that God is a Father, a very loving Father who loves to rewards those that seek Him. He can't help it, He IS love. He IS a giver. He IS a God of abundance.

I hope that this post has helped to enlighten you about God: that He is a loving Father who loves to shower His children with blessings as any good father does.

I'd love to know what your thoughts are on the topic.

God bless..


Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Positive Thinking vs Biblical Thinking: Are they the same thing?

Hello all,

Today I'd like to talk about positive thinking and Biblical thinking. I'd like to address the issue of whether they are the same thing or if they are different.

I've picked this topic to tackle today because I recently came across an article online: Positive Confession/PMA: Prosperity Gospel & The New Age. According to this article, speaking the Word of God (which is positive) is a no-no, or at least that's the impression that I got when I read the article.

The article refers to the Positive Confession movement or Word-Faith movement. Before I continue my discussion on the topic, I'd just like to clear the air about something. I am by no means a well-educated woman when it comes to this so-called movement or the such. What I do know is that the Word of God is the final authority. If this so-called movement uses the Word of God also known as the Holy Bible as its final authority, then I have nothing negative to say about it.

As it so happens, the author of the article implies that speaking God's Word is witchcraft. If that were the case, then God Himself would be practicing witchcraft as in every book of the Bible God speaks, and if you look closely, He never speaks against Himself.

According to the author, thinking positive is a no-no, as I understand the article. I tend to agree with this, IF (and this is very important), the origin of the positive thought is NOT the Word of God. In other words, if the thoughts or words spoken are based in the Holy Scriptures, then it's actually Biblical thinking, NOT simply positive thinking.

Positive thinking and positive speaking should NEVER ever be confused with Biblical thinking or Biblical speaking. In the former, you are simply thinking or speaking positive, with no Word basis. In the latter, Biblical thinking or Biblical speaking, you are actually doing exactly what the Bible instructs: think God thoughts and speak God words.

That's my humble opinion on the topic. If you disagree that is your opinion and you are most certainly entitled to your opinion. If you were offended, then just know that the author of the article I referred to offended me, but I hold no ill-will. Either way, I am just someone striving to be more Christ-like and sharing what I have learnt in the process.

God bless...


Monday, April 20, 2009

About Christians In Business (CIB)

Hi everyone,

I decided to start a blog for the Christians In Business (CIB) group. I originally started the group in and have recently started it on some other online communities:

The World Needs More Happy:
Spiritual Entrepreneur Community/Network:

As I start the group on other communities, or update the group on these (or other communities) or I come across similar groups to CIB, I'll post the updates here on this blog.

If there's anything you'd like to know about me (or this group) or you just want to say hi and maybe introduce yourself to me, feel free to email me: OR

Looking forward to get to meet you soon.

God bless...

Miss J (aka MJ)

ps. I give valuable information I come across to my friends in the online communities. You can always follow me on twitter ( to see what valuable information I'm giving away free of charge.